Functional indicators of LED full color display screen

source:other news release time:2023-11-01 Hits:     Popular:led screen wholesaler



  1. Electrical characteristics include lamp power and power factor.

  2. The thermal function includes heat resistance and junction temperature.

  3. Color features primarily include: correlated color temperature, color contrast index, chromaticity coordinates, chromaticity forgiveness, main wavelength (monochrome), uneven color dispersion uniformity, and color space.

  4. The main features of the day include switching frequency test, day/accelerated life test, cavity repair rate (luminous flux retention rate)/intensity repair rate. [1]

  1. Play a role in promoting products and attracting customers.

  2. Play a role in decorating the storefront and improving the level of the enterprise.

  3. Play a lighting and innovative role.

  4. Play a role in popularizing knowledge. (Can be used to play small information about enterprise products and relevant industry knowledge)

  5. Act as a bulletin board. (Promotion, Recruitment Information Release)

  6. It serves to set off the atmosphere. Through the display screen, welcome speeches from superiors and various VIPs visiting and guiding can be played, as well as celebration speeches from various major festivals.


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