Display surface clean.advertising led display screen Production

source:other news release time:2023-06-07 Hits:     Popular:led screen wholesaler


  indoor advertising small led display screen manufacturer

  The LED display is visually inspected and checked in the two states of bright screens and black screens. Including: whether the surface of the display is contaminated, the purpose is to clear the effects of surface dirt on the lighting characteristics; whether the display screen surface is damaged; whether the communication distribution cable line is normal; for equipment with high protection level The components and plug -in plug -ins, but the confinement becomes a key factor. Therefore, it is necessary to check the intact situation of the seal regularly; the surface paint and rust of the outdoor screen must be checked; Clean the display surface.

  The LED display is washing the high -altitude operation and needs to be equipped with a professional cleaning team. Cleaning operations adopt a high -altitude hanging rope (commonly known as Spider -Man) or use a suspension, equipped with professional cleaning equipment. Cleaning staff choose different cleaner cleaning according to different dirt on the screen, so as to ensure that the LED lamp tube is not damaged. Complete the cleaning of the LED display under the premise of the mask.

  Pay attention to two points: cleaning preparation:

  1. Before cleaning, you need to pull out the power cord.

  Second, the selection of cleaning solution, cleaning solution generally includes electrolyte, high -purity distilled water, anti -static fluid, etc., to choose good quality in order to effectively clean the dust and other dirt on the LED screen.

  Cleaning and maintenance is divided into three steps:

  Step 1: Vacuum. First absorb and remove the dirt and dust on the surface of the display screen.

  Step 2: Wet washing. Be careful not to spray the washing fluid directly on the screen, but spray a little cleaning liquid on the cleaning cloth, and then gently wipe it in the same direction. You can also use a soft brush on the vacuum cleaner to wash the lamp mask to clean the dirt.

  Step 3: Dry. Use the vacuum cleaner to absorb the water marks left after drying and wetting to ensure that the display screen cover is neat and dusty.

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