Classification of LED full color display screens.P2.5 outdoor LED display

source:Industry Trends release time:2023-07-19 Hits:     Popular:led screen wholesaler



  Classification by usage occasion

  Indoor full color LED display screen: The light emitting points are small, usually with a spacing of PH6mm to PH7.62mm, and the display area is usually several to ten square meters or even larger. Mainly used in indoor halls, bars, stages, performance halls, stations, airports, cinemas, etc.

  Outdoor LED full color display screen: The area is generally tens of square meters to hundreds of square meters or even larger, with high brightness, and can work in sunlight, with wind, rain, and waterproof functions. Mainly used for outdoor advertising, stations, squares, shopping malls, etc.

  Classification by luminous pixel spacing

  Indoor LED full color display screen (divided by diameter): PH5mm, PH6mm, PH7.62mm, PH8mm, PH10mm, PH12mm······

  Outdoor LED full color display screen (divided by spacing): PH10, PH12, PH14, PH16, PH20, PH25, PH31.25, PH37.5

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