P10 outdoor LED display.What parameter issues should be paid attention to when selecting indoor LED display screens?

source:other news release time:2023-11-17 Hits:     Popular:led screen wholesaler



  What parameter issues should be paid attention to when selecting indoor LED display screens? Nowadays, indoor LED display screens are mostly used in indoor LED display devices, which are very impressive in terms of display and advertising effects. Therefore, they are widely used in various public places, especially in large cities. So what parameter issues should we pay attention to when choosing indoor LED display screens?

  1. Flatness parameters

  For any LED screen display device, the flatness of the indoor display screen is crucial, as it directly affects the final display effect. In general, it is required that the flatness be within 1 millimeter error to ensure that the image does not distort. If there are protrusions or depressions beyond this range, it will make the display effect very poor.

  2. The issue of visual angle.

  Everyone knows that when installing indoor LED display screens, it is impossible to ensure that they are parallel to everyone's line of sight, so there is a certain pitch angle issue. This requires indoor display screens to have a certain visual angle. If the pitch angle is too large, the video display effect will be affected. So it is also required that indoor LED display screens have a certain packaging and visual angle.

  3. The parameter influence of brightness.

  The reason why we can see good display results is related to the brightness of indoor LED displays. Generally, if the brightness of indoor displays is too low, the display effect may not be good, especially during the day when the image is basically unclear. So it is necessary to ensure brightness, which is also closely related to the LED tube core. If the tube core is not good, the brightness cannot be guaranteed. Of course, the brightness should also be within a reasonable range. If it is too bright, it can easily cause light pollution and waste energy.

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