LED glass circuit technology.P3 indoor LED Display

source:other news release time:2023-08-08 Hits:     Popular:led screen wholesaler



  High quality LED glass is based on online coating technology for circuit engraving, and the resistivity is balanced between circuit points. The difference between each point should not exceed 6.4 degree of balance. As early as 2001, the German optoelectronic development research department had already made this data statement regarding the resistance problem of LED glass circuit points.

  The offline coating circuit technology and conductive film circuit technology used in some LED products have a significant difference in circuit set point resistance. Therefore, LED glass circuits made using these two technologies usually have a low lifespan. After using them for a period of time, LED chips are prone to brightness reduction, and even circuit faults may occur, leading to important quality issues in LED glass.

  Especially for conductive films used in some LED glass products, due to incomplete preparation techniques, the concentration of defects in the films is usually relatively high. The main defects are impurities, vacancies, interstitial atoms, dislocations, grain boundaries, as well as adsorption and segregation on the surface and interface. This will directly lead to an increase in the resistance difference between LED patches, thereby laying a quality hazard for LED glass products.

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