p6mm hd led video display.What are the meanings of window opening, roaming, and stacking in LCD splicing screens

source:other news release time:2024-03-04 Hits:     Popular:led screen wholesaler



  1. Window opening function

  Opening a window means opening a signal window on the large screen at will. For example, a large screen consists of three * three nine screens, with one signal screen displayed on screen 1, while other screens can display different signal screens.

  2. Roaming function

  Roaming is the ability to display an image at any position on the entire screen and freely drag it to achieve cross screen functionality. For example, a large screen consists of three * three nine screens, and a signal screen is displayed on screen one. It can be dragged to any of the other eight screens for display.

  3. Overlay function

  Overlay refers to the ability to display an image on top of it, which is a combination of windowing and roaming. It should be able to both open windows and roam.

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